
IMUN 2019

IMUN 2019
I’m Aurora Nelson and this year I took part in a project I loved, called IMUN. IMUN  consists in a sort of roleplay where you do the work of a delegate of a country belonging to UN. I was supposed to be the International delagate of Czech Republic and to work in a commitee called IOM, which deals with all the problems connected with the integration  of migrants.
We also have the report of a third-grade student: Benedetta Viola.
“It was my first time at IMUN, and it really was a unique experience. I represented Kuwait, and despite the initial fears and uncertainties about not being able to speak  an effective English and not being up to the task entrusted to me, I succeded to continue this project. I can assure anyone who would like to take part in it that it is a very carefully constructed project. It is made to be lived to the fullest because it is useful for learning and practicing   English  but it also helps you to develop other life skills such as performing in public and overcoming shyness and   learning to deal with current issues, managing to find resolutions, I hope to be able to continue this project even in the coming years, but in the meantime I invite all the students in this school to seize this initiative, it is worth the penalty”
I think it was a very nice project and, hoping that next year your teachers will propose it again, I would gladly partecipate again.

Alunna Iris Krnjesin 2G
I took part to IMUN for the United Nation together with three other wonderful students of my school, and my teacher who said she was more excited than us (but don’t believe it’s true beacuse I was panicky)   Soon as the teacher presented the project I was really happy because I love English and I already knew it will have been a terrific experience!  I was ready…I knew I will not so easy speaking in front of people, but I tried hard and I did it! 
I was trembling, and my “fellow delegates” were trembling too. It was the first time for us and for the school!!!!!!  
I’m glad I won against my fear, the most important thing is never giving up.
I’ll  remember the emotion of that first time forever ! I’ll never forget all the new friends I met and...some people I saw. 
I hope that a lot of students in this school will join us next year and we, Boccea delegation, can improve and become stronger and stronger!

IMUN 2019 - Simulazione Nazioni Unite

Per il primo anno la nostra scuola ha partecipato al Progetto promosso dall’associazione UNITED NETWORK in collaborazione con la Regione Lazio e il MIUR.
I Model United Nations ( IMUN) sono simulazioni dell’Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite nelle quali gli studenti   vestendo i panni di ambasciatori e diplomatici si confrontano con circa 1300 studenti di tutte le scuole romane, divisi in commissioni
Gli incontri  si sono tenuti presso Roma Eventi (Università Gregoriana) nei giorni 6 e 7 marzo e presso il Teatro Olimpico l’8 marzo. Nei giorni 16 e 29 Aprile i ragazzi hanno preso parte, in orario extrascolastico, ad un Delegate Training Course in cui sono stati trattati gli argomenti essenziali per affrontare gli incontri di delegazione. Alla nostra piccola delegazione è stata assegnata la commissione IOM (International Organization for Migration) che ha affrontato il problema dell’integrazione dei migranti, anti-razzismo e valore della diversità in una visione non nazionale ma mondiale.
 I ragazzi hanno seguito delle regole di procedura che simulano quelle che disciplinano l’organismo delle Nazioni Unite. Dibattiti moderati e non moderati,  alleanze, e  la stesura di una risoluzione presentata in pubblico e sottoposta a votazione plenaria, il tutto in lingua inglese.
Augurandoci che l’esperienza, che sicuramente resterà nel cuore dei partecipanti, funga da  stimolo per una maggiore partecipazione negli anni a seguire ad un progetto di indiscutibile valore, si ringraziano la DS che ha permesso lo svolgimento del Progetto, i genitori che ci hanno dato fiducia e sostenuto con ogni mezzo  (ci hanno letteralmente  e moralmente accompagnato durante tutto il percorso) e soprattutto i nostri “delegati” che, nonostante fossero alla prima esperienza, hanno affrontato il percorso con serietà e determinazione.
Prof.ssa Debora Miano

Francesca Lobont 2°A
Aurora Nelson 2°D